Linux Users Group
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MEMBER BILLING: Bill your membership monthly, quarterly,
semi-annually, or annually. Fee table driven statement generation
allows multiple membership categories and multiple rates. You can also separate fee
categories {for example: Dues, Meals, etc} if you wish. Incidental and/or additional
charges can be added to a members account on a case by case basis. Statements can be
generated individually on demand, or run as a batch. Reports include: Membership
summary, A/R, Cash Receipts, Sales Transactions for the period by category. Use with
our Roster Viewer to make an Electronic Roster available to members and others in your
organization. This version meets member information requirements for Kiwanis
Clubs. Custom versions are available....
contact us for the details.
Requires: Win-95 or better with 8mb minimum RAM {16MB recommended, and about 2MB of storage space on
your hard disk. {724K executable without data} Provided in self-installing
version on 4ea 3.5 disks OR CD-ROM
$669 + S&H ref# MBR-1