Simple Slots Instructions
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Simple Slots Instructions:  Ver: 3.0

This Slot machine simulation is currently under development.  It is not intended to simulate a specific machine with respect to the odds of winning, payout amounts or percentages or any other aspect of a real slot machine.   It is provided for enjoyment only.  Please let us know if you like it, what additions you would enjoy and things you don't like by sending us an e-mail message

What's New: The reels spin automatically when the 1-Coin, 2-Coin or 3-Coin button is pressed, and then stop automatically in sequential order.  Sounds are also included to indicate operation, success and error.  You must have a sound card for this feature to work.   The sound feature is initially disabled.  Press the sound on/off button twice to turn sound on.

If You Get an ERROR Message: The sound version requires IE-5.0.  If you get an error message telling you that there is an error on the page.... try turning the sound off .  If you still get an error message, please let us know.

Begin Play: Your bankroll is $100.00.  Coins are worth $1.00 each.  To begin play place a 'bet'  by pressing the 1-Coin, 2-Coin or 3-Coin button.  The reels immediately begin spinning and will stop automatically on the selected symbols, sequentially from left to right.    The amount of your 'bet' is immediately deducted from your bankroll.   When the reels have stopped, the result will be scored to determine if you have a winning combination and reset the game for the next play.  If you have a winning combination a 'WIN' message will be displayed and the amount of the payout will be shown.  During the "pay out" the number of coins you have won will be added one-by one to your bankroll.  To continue play, press the 1-Coin, 2-Coin or 3-Coin button.

Notes: If you press any button at the wrong time, current play is not disrupted.  You will simply see an error message, and hear an error tone.  If you place a bet during the "pay out" the reels will spin while your winnings are added to your bankroll.   Generally, you should wait for the pay out to be completed before placing a new bet.

Player Options: You can now turn the sound on or off during a game session.   In addition, you can turn the status bar banner on or off during play.    While the banner is running the slot machine is generating random numbers.   The timing of when you press the "bet"  button randomizes and affects the random number series.  You may wish to play the game with the banner on and then with it off, to see if it has any affect on your luck. 

Borrowing Money:   Even with a very loose slot machine, you will eventually deplete your bankroll.   To avoid having to reload the page, we have provided a way to borrow another   $100.00 bankroll.  The total amount 'borrowed' will be displayed and added to your bankroll.  You can't borrow money as long as your bankroll is greater than zero.   If on your last bet, you do not have enough in your bankroll to cover the 'bet' you will end with a small negative balance.  If you borrow from the bank the small balance is offset when the amount borrowed is added to the bankroll. 

Game Features: In this current version the game tracks the total number of spins in a current session.  It also tracks cumulative winnings since the start of the session.  At present, there are 4 symbols on each reel, however some symbols have a higher frequency than others.   Frequencies are:


M 8 38%
J 5 24%
K 5 24%
L 3 14%
Totals 21 100%



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Last modified: Sunday June 04, 2006

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